Friday, 13 February 2015

My Strawberry & Banana Smoothie Recipe

Hi everyone, today's post is all about how to make this yummy smoothie I've been loving. It's so easy, quick, healthy and the perfect thing to snack on in between meals. Now I know there are a tun of recipes out there on how to make the most delicious strawberry and banana smoothie but one thing I never do is follow recipes! I always look at a bunch of different ones to see what is used and pretty much wing it. With this recipe I didn't want to add any additional things like sweetener or honey because I wanted to keep it low in sugar and calories making it more nutritious (you can add either if you'd like). I will also list at the bottom the benefits of the ingredients used to make this smoothie. So to find out how I make my strawberry and banana smoothie please keep reading.

For ingredients:

8 strawberries
1 whole banana
1/4 of a pint of milk
1/2 of a pint of natural yogurt
ice cubes

So when you have all the listed ingredients all you need to do is throw them into a blender in no particular order and let the blender do its work. Be sure not to blend for to long otherwise you will lose the thickness, usually 45 - 60 seconds does the trick. 

Once blended, pure into your fave glass, top with a strawberry and enjoy.

How this smoothie benefits you

Strawberries help to boost immunity and fibre, prevent those wrinkles, help fight cancer and cholesterol, promote eye health, reduce inflammation and regulate blood pressure.

Bananas are high in levels of vitamin B-6, potassium and antioxidants, strengthens blood, relieves anaemia, reduces PMS and aids digestion.

Milk can help with the appearance of skin giving it a glow, it is a great source of calcium, helps rebuild muscles and when warm soothes frayed nerves.

Natural Yogurt:
Natural yogurt provides calcium, beneficial probiotic bacteria, boosts your immune system, helps with weight loss and can also be used to create your own face mask.

Ice cubes:
Now we all know the most beneficial source of an ice cube is what its made out of, good old H20 which can help with calorie control, muscle fuel, helps clear skin, boosts brain cells and aids a hangover.

hope this helps 

Elle <3

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